
TEXSAVE: save dataset in LaTeX format.


texsave is a Stata command that outputs the dataset currently in memory to a file in LaTeX format. It uses the booktabs, tabularx, and geometry LaTeX packages to produce publication-quality tables. The syntax is described in the Stata help file included in this package.

Julian Reif’s Stata Coding Guide provides a tutorial.


Type which texsave at the Stata prompt to determine which version you have installed. To install the most recent version, copy and paste the following line of code:

net install texsave, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reifjulian/texsave/master") replace

To install the version that was uploaded to SSC, copy and paste the following line of code:

ssc install texsave, replace

After installing, type help texsave to learn the syntax.

Update History:


Julian Reif
University of Illinois